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What are domain setting templates?

Setting templates allow you to quickly change various settings of your domains. If you often use the same settings for multiple domains, you can define a template that stores all these settings, so that you can apply all these domain settings in a single template [...]

Czytaj więcej » | Wyświetlony: 39 razy

How to define a domain setting template?

To define a new domain setting template, select Domains >Domain setting templates on the website menu. A list of domain setting templates will be displayed. Press the Create new template button. A form used to create a new template will be displayed. Select one or more [...]

Czytaj więcej » | Wyświetlony: 10 razy

How to apply a settings template to a domain?

To apply a setting template to a domain, select Domains > List of your domains on the website menu. Find the specific domain on the list of domains, press the Settings button, and then select the Apply template to domain option in the drop-down list. A form will be [...]

Czytaj więcej » | Wyświetlony: 14 razy

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