What are User Premium + auctions?

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What are User Premium + auctions?

Auction User Premium + is an attractive program for selling expiring domains.

The domain added to User Premium + 12 hours before its expiry will be reactivated and auctioned off the captured domain. The participants of the auction are the people who added it to catch.

The domain can be added to User Premium + at any time, even before its expiry period, but no later than 13 hours before its expiry.

There is a fee to add a domain to User Premium + and the cost is the same as the cost of reactivating it. To access the domain renewal pricing, select Price list

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Only .pl domains can be added to User Premium +. For the domain to be added, it must not have the subscriber data hidden in the WHOIS database turned on.

How to start a User Premium + auctions?

How is the sale at the User Premium + auction?

Can I cancel a sale in User Premium + ?

What if no one adds my User Premium + domain to catch?

Tags: User Premium +

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