How is the sale at the User Premium + auction?

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How is the sale at the User Premium + auction?

The domain has been added to the User Premium + program, waiting for the sale to start it cannot be renewed, transferred, traded, or manually removed from the registry.

12 hours before the domain expires, it will be reactivated. If the domain has been added for catch by more than one user, then, after reactivation, an auction for the caught domain is automatically created for it.

As in any auction of a caught domain, also here, on behalf of the user, who first added a domain to catch, the first bid in the auction is submitted; other participants may submit further bids.

The domain owner cannot participate in the User Premium + auction. Even if he himself added a domain to catch. He also cannot join such an auction while it is in progress.

After the end of the auction, the winner will have 7 days to pay for the domain.

If only one person added a domain to catch, instead of an auction, the domain will immediately go to the basket of this catcher. He will have 7 days to pay for it.

Funds from the sale, less the commission for the sale in the auction, will be handed over to the seller as soon as the buyer pays for the order.

In the event of non-payment by the buyer, the domain name is renewed the domain will be returned to the seller's account.

Can I cancel a sale in User Premium + ?

What if no one adds my User Premium + domain to catch?

Tags: User Premium +, listing an auction, managing auctions

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