How to change the number of domains I can monitor?
The number of domains that you can monitor is limited by a monitoring package that you have purchased in your account. If you want to monitor more domains, you need to change the monitoring package. To do this, select Domains -> WHOIS data monitoring on the website menu.
Click to zoom in the picture.
If you do not have a domain monitoring package yet, click on the "Enable monitoring package" link.
Click to zoom in the picture.
If you’ve already purchased a domain monitoring package, related information will be displayed in the "Information about the package" section. Click the "Show your package information" link, to change the current package.
Click to zoom in the picture.
On the displayed page, press the Check monitoring package button, then select the new package size and press the Check operation details button.
Click to zoom in the picture.
You will receive information about the costs of changing the monitoring package. Press the Change monitoring package button to complete the change.
Why is domain monitoring a paid service?
Tags: whois lookup
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