Can I change the notifications that I receive for watched domains?

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Can I change the notifications that I receive for watched domains?

Yes. You can specify what events for the watched domains you are interested in and disable receiving the remaining notifications, both for a single domain and for all watched domains.

To change the default settings for watched domains, select Buying -> Domain notification settings on the website menu.

Click to zoom in the picture.

A form will be displayed in which you can select the notifications you want to receive. Change the settings according to your preferences and press the Change default settings button.

Click to zoom in the picture.

To change the settings for a single watched domain, select Buying -> Watched domains on the website menu.

Click to zoom in the picture.

Find the row with the domain name, and then press the Settings button.

Click to zoom in the picture.

A page will be displayed that allows you to change the notifications sent for the selected domain. To change the notification settings, select the option that reads "Select the type of sent notifications" to make changes to the settings, then press the Change settings button.

Click to zoom in the picture.

What is the option for "Watching new auctions"?

What is the "Send separate e-mails" option?

When adding domains to the watch list using the form, you can also determine what notifications will be sent for the domains you add. To do this, select the option titled "Select the type of sent notifications" in the form used to watch new domains.

Click to zoom in the picture.

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