How to buy a domain on the marketplace?
To buy a domain, find it on the marketplace and make a price offer. To do this, select Buying -> Browse the marketplace on the website menu.
Click to zoom in the picture.
On the displayed page you can search for domains by name, browse domains by topic categories or use the advanced search in order to find domains that match your criteria.
Click to zoom in the picture.
After finding the domain, click its name in the list to view the domain sale offer. If the domain has a specified "Buy Now" price, you can buy it right away by pressing the Buy Now button. Otherwise, you have to make your price offer and start negotiations.
Click to zoom in the picture.
What are negotiations to buy a domain?
How does buying with the "Buy Now" option work?
Some sellers also allow you to lease or purchase a domain in installments directly from the sales offer. If a seller has not enabled this option, you can contact them and ask them to make the option available.
Can I lease out a domain on the marketplace?
Can I buy a domain in installments on the marketplace?
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