How to renew a domain?

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How to renew a domain?

The easiest way to renew domains in your account is to click the arrow icon on the upper bar of the website menu.

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This icon shows the number of domains that need to be renewed. Grey icon shows the number of domains that are about to expire and the red icon shows the number of domains that are currently expiring. Click this icon to display the list of domains that need to be renewed. You can also select Domains -> Renew expiring. A list of domains that need to be renewed will be displayed.

Tick the checkbox next to the domains you want to renew and press the Renew specified domains button below the list of domains.

Click to zoom in the picture.

A list with a summary of the domain renewal cost will be displayed.

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Press the Renew domains button to request domain renewal. You can also check the "Enable automatic renewal" option to ensure that these domains are automatically renewed next year.

A list of domains that need to be renewed contains only domains that will expire within the next 30 days. You can also renew a selected domain from the list of domains. To do this, select Domains -> List of your domains on the website menu.

Click to zoom in the picture.

On the list of domains, find the domain and click the triangular exclamation icon in the right section of the row. You can also find the row with the domain name, press the Renew button, and then select the Renew domain option in the drop-down list.

Click to zoom in the picture.

You can also perform the operation for multiple domains at once. To do this, tick the checkbox next to the selected domain names, then select Renew -> Renew domains in the list of buttons below the list of domains.

Click to zoom in the picture.

Tags: domain list, domain renewal

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