How to check the domain holder data?
If you want to check the holder data of a domain that is not in your account, you can download the domain WHOIS data. However, due to data privacy laws (such as GDPR), the holder data may be hidden in the WHOIS database:
How to check the domain’s WHOIS data?
If you want to check the holder data of a domain that is in your account, check which data profile is associated with your domain. To do so, select Domains -> List of your domains from the website menu.
Click to zoom in the picture.
Find the specific domain on the list of domains, press the Transfer button, and then select the Change data profile option in the drop-down list.
Click to zoom in the picture.
A form will be displayed, in which you can see which data profile is associated with the domain.
Click to zoom in the picture.
To see the data contained in the data profile, select Domains -> Domain data profiles from the website menu.
Click to zoom in the picture.
A list of domain data profiles will be displayed. To see the data associated with the profile, find the selected profile and press the Edit data button.
Click to zoom in the picture.
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