By what time do I need to renew a domain?

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By what time do I need to renew a domain?

There are two important dates for each domain, the expiration date, and the deletion date. Expiration date (usually on the first anniversary of the domain registration) is a date until which the website and other services (for example electronic mail) will operate at the domain. If you want your website to work without interruption, you have to renew the domain, which will delay the expiration date by another year.

How to renew a domain?

What is automatic domain renewal?

If you do not renew your domain during this time, the domain will start to expire. This will disable the website and other services related to the domain. However, the domain will remain in your account until the domain deletion date and you will be able to renew it. After this time, the domain will be irrevocably deleted.

What is the domain expiration process?

You can see the dates of expiration and deletion of the domain on the list of your domains. To do this, select Domains -> List of your domains on the website menu.

Click to zoom in the picture.

These dates are visible for each domain in the "Expires" and "Deletion" columns.

Click to zoom in the picture.

You can sort the list of domains by clicking the arrows next to the column headings. You can also filter the list of domains so that you can find domains that expire within a specific time. To do this, press the Filter button and go to the "Registration and expiration" tab.

Click to zoom in the picture.

Tags: domain renewal

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