How does domain Registry Lock work?
The Registry Lock service is a service provided by the competent authority registry, consisting in blocking the possibility of certain execution domain management changes.
Activation of the Registry Lock service blocks during the period from the activation of the Registry Lock service until it is deactivated, the following changes can be made:
- deletion of the registered domain,
- change of domain holder data,
- change of domain holder,
- external domain transfer,
- change of domain delegation to other DNS servers,
- deleting or changing the DNS server IP address - if it appears in its delegation
- change of contact details regarding the domain.
In the case of an active service, redoing the above-mentioned changes, it will only be possible after disabling the Registry Lock service.
Enabling and disabling the service is possible after submitting an request to change the Registry Lock service for the selected domain, and the entire change process may take up to several days. At the moment, the Registry Lock service can be enabled only for domains operated by NASK.
You will be charged for enabling and disabling the Registry Lock service for a domain. The cost of the operation can be found in the price list in the "Domain services" section on the "Registry Lock" tab. To access the domain renewal pricing, select Price list.
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How to enable Registry Lock to a domain?
How to disable Registry Lock to a domain?
Tags: registry lock
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