How does domain hiding work?
Domain hiding consists of moving it to the "Hidden" tab in your list of domains. This way, the domain will not be visible on the list or in other places, for example in the list of domains requiring renewal or in the e-mail reminding about the renewal of the domain.
You can hide domains that you don't want to see in your list, for example, hide such domains that have no value and which you don't want to renew. This way, they will not take up room in your domain list.
Hided domains remain in your account and you can find them in the "Hidden" tab. You can also undo the hiding of domains at any time to have them back on the main list.
You can hide domains permanently or temporarily, for a selected period of time, e.g. 3 days. Temporarily hidden domains will automatically return to the main list after the selected time has elapsed.
Click to zoom in the picture.
To hide a domain, click the cross icon in the domain name row. You can also find the domain name row, press the Settings button, and then select the Hide domain permanently or Hide domain temporary option.
Click to zoom in the picture.
You can also hide multiple domains simultaneously. To do this, tick the checkboxes next to the selected domains, then select Hide -> Hide permanently or Hide temporary in the list of buttons below the list of domains.
Click to zoom in the picture.
To bring the domain back to the main list, go to the "Hidden" tab, find the domain and click the cross icon, or select the Unhide domain option in the Settings menu.
Tags: domain list management
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