Information about our website is the most frequently chosen domain registrar in Poland: according to the report of the .pl domain registry, almost 18% of new .pl domains are registered on our website.

Since our website was created in 2006, we have been trusted by 128748 clients who keep 467360 Internet domains with us. Here's our journey from a startup to the most popular domain registrar in Poland:

27.05.2024 receives the .pl domain registry award for the first place in the percentage of service of new .pl domain name registrations. The result of 17.72% of domain registrations is one and a half times more than the next competitor on the market.
In the annual report for 2020 published by the .pl registry, achieves over 10% market share in the .pl domain market for the first time, ranking fourth among all Polish domain registrars.
Thanks to the constantly growing number of .pl domains maintained by our clients, the Ministry of Digitization recognizes as a service provider of significant importance to business in Poland, granting it the status of a key service operator .
The founder of the website, Michał Pleban, buys back all shares in from the early investor - the Luxembourg registrar of EuroDNS domains. Thus, becomes a company with 100% Polish capital.
29.09.2011 buys the domain, under which it launches Internet domain registration services at prices lower than those in the NASK registry. The sale of domain is thus one of the largest transactions on the Polish domain market.
2.08.2010 introduces website hosting to its offer, thus starting to provide services not only for domain investors, but also for end customers who want to build sites under their domains.
3.07.2009 becomes an authorized .pl domain registrar, enabling customers to register Polish domains without the need to use an intermediary. Soon the offer is expanded to include .eu, .com, .net, .org and other domains.
The .pl domain registry celebrates the registration of the millionth .pl domain. It is the domain, registered by the client thanks to the service of catching expiring domains.
The first Polish Internet domain marketplace is launched on the website, allowing investors to list their domains for sale. To emphasize this fact, the website changes its name to, which it is still using today.
19.06.2006 is launched to provide specialized services for domain investors, such as lists of expiring domains and domain dropcatching. The founder of the website is Michał Pleban, a graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology.
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