Contact us

Before you write to us ...

Use our on-line help system, where you will find answers to the frequently asked questions.

If you haven’t found your answer ...

To contact our customer service department, send an e-mail to:
If you already have an account with us, please write a message from the e-mail address of this account.

We are also available to chat on business days from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

To contact the holder of a domain registered with us, use this form:
Contact the holder of the domain

If you want to report abuse...

To report abuse and illegal content under domains hosted at or on our servers, use the form here.

Company address: Limited
Chytron 3, Office 301
1075 Nicosia, Cyprus

VAT: CY10245422H

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Hello! If you need help with our services - we are here to help you.


Need help? Start typing a topic name (for example, "dns change", "domain sale") to get help.

Didn't find the answer?

Write a message to us.
Chat with us.
Chat is available on business days from 10 to 16.