Register .delivery domains at the best prices .delivery domains .delivery domains

Find your domain:
330.87 PLN
269.00 PLN net
330.87 PLN
269.00 PLN net
330.87 PLN
269.00 PLN net
free of charge
Ownership transfer

.delivery domain registration

.delivery domains belong to the new top-level domains. .delivery domains can be registered by any person or company.

.delivery domain renewal

.delivery domains are registered for yearly periods. After the registration period, the domain must be renewed for another year. After the registration period elapses, the domain will be visible in your administration panel for 30 more days. During this time you can still renew the domain.

.delivery domain transfer

Transferring a .delivery domain involves a fee. The domain is not renewed for 1 year after the transfer.

Ownership change

Changing ownership of a .delivery domain is free of charge and can be performed any time in your administration panel.

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